Driving Lessons West Wickham  Tel : 07940 590337

The Manual Peugeot 208 is an ideal car to learn in and is now Video Equipped to be able to replay problem situations and really speed up the learning process.

Find me on Facebook at : https://www.facebook.com/TotalDrivingSkills

With my detailed knowledge of the West Wickham, Addington and Shirley areas and all aspects of the Test routes, I can get you started in quiet, non threatening side streets around Woodland Way or Chatham Ave, before venturing into the town centre Corkscrew Hill, Gravel Hill, Park Langley, Hayes Common as well as the Reverse Manoeuvre side streets.

A Mock Test will ensure that you are 100% ready for your Test and fully aware of every aspect of "local knowledge" so nothing comes as a surprise on Test day.

I aim to have you fully ready for your Test in just 25 hours of lessons.

Don't settle for Cheap Lessons Get Premium Lessons at a Discount

Take advantage of my Try Me and See Offer

First 10 Hours for £210 (Saving a massive £60)

 (This offer does not apply if you have already failed a Test or have a Test booked)

For FREE access to Theory Test practice Go to the

Theory Test page, click on the button and Register













July 4th - Gita Dhamel Passed 1st time at West Wickham with only 4 Minors and the Examiners compliment as to how well she drove !

Graham is very calm, patient and encouraging. He quickly made sure I really understood how and why to do everything correctly.
Great Instructor.