Safe Driving

1.) Observation, Looking and Thinking ahead are vital.

2.) Look as far ahead as possible, as early and often as possible

3.) Check the Mirrors as often as possible to be fully aware of what is around you

4.) Give Signals in adequate time.. A signal is not authority to do - purely an indication of your intention.

5.) Always drive at the Safe, Sensible speed for the conditions - The speed you can comfortably stop in the distance you can see.

6.) Always be 120% sure there is enough time / space before commiting yourself - better Safe than Sorry

7.) Don't block junctions, pedestrian crossings etc. Be considerate and do for others as you would like them to do for you.

8.) If someone tailgates you, ease on brakes for an earlier and slower deceleration when approaching a stop light or sign to prevent a collision.

9.) NEVER drive while under the influence of a reaction altering substance.

10.) NEVER use a handheld Mobile to speak or send text messages while driving.